Myers determined to maximze her last soccer season

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Myers goes for the goal against her opponent.

Ellie Rann, Staff Writer

Senior Emma Myers has been a part of several activities in school, but soccer has always been her favorite. She has worked hard off and on the field to become the best player she can be. 

“I have been playing soccer since first grade. I’ve loved it for 12 years now,” Myers said. 

Her positions have varied in the past 12 years, but this year Myers has been playing the position of midfield. 

“I really enjoy playing midfield because I feel like I get to be a part of the whole game. The only thing I would say I don’t like about it is how much running is involved,” Myers said. 

Myers has played in several games, but prefers to play on her home field. 

“I definitely prefer to play at home more than away games,” Myers said. “If we play at home on our field, we get to play on the same field we practice on, which gives me a more comfortable feel. Also, more of the parents and classmates are able to attend the game if we don’t travel.” 

Myers was also involved in basketball all through middle school and the first three years of high school, but chose to play soccer full time because of her love for the sport. 

“I chose soccer over other sports simply because I loved it the most, and I love the girls I play with,” Myers said.

 As a senior, Myers has many great memories to look back on from playing soccer.

“My favorite part of soccer has been working hard at practice and at the games with my teammates to do our best to win,” Myers said. 

Myers has been a crucial part of the soccer team here and will remember this part of her life forever. 

“My favorite memory of playing soccer was when I scored the winning goal at our Salem game and all my teammates went crazy with cheering,” Myers said.

While this chapter of soccer in her life may be coming to a close, she hopes to play again in the future, whether that is in college or outside of school.

“I hope I am able to play soccer in college because I truly love it. But if this is my final year, I plan to make it my best one yet,” Myers said. 

Looking back, Myers is thankful for the time and effort her coaches and her teammates have put into their team as a whole. Myers encourages those who are playing soccer in the future to always work hard. 

“If I was going to say something to the incoming freshman playing soccer or new players, it would be to only play if you truly love the sport. If you strive to be better as a player and at sport, you must work hard at it. I would also say, remember that soccer is a team sport, so put trust in your girls and work together. That’s what will help you win a game,” Myers said.