April set aside to educate about sexual assault


Sarah Girtman

April is known for many things. Not only does the month contain holidays such as April Fool’s 

Day and Easter, but it is also the beginning of spring. 

April is also recognized as “Sexual Assault Awareness Month” or SAAM.

During this month people spread awareness about what sexual assault is, how to prevent it, and resources to help those affected by it. 

Many students may know someone who has been affected by this or may have been affected by it themselves.

The definition of sexual assault  given by justice.gov states “The term ‘sexual assault’ means any nonconsensual sexual act proscribed by Federal, tribal, or State law, including when victim lacks capacity to consent.”

There are ways to guard against it.

Gayla Titsworth, a counselor at Eldorado’s Stress and Trauma Center, shares some things students  can do.

“Let’s focus on your age, high school,” Titsworth said. “Know your surroundings. Be careful who you go out with, go places in groups, be careful on social media.”

There are steps to take if one finds themselves a victim of sexual assault. If it’s within 48-72 hours it is important to go to the hospital. They will do either a SANE exam or use a rape kit.

While there or afterward, it is important to ask for a crisis counselor. They can help answer further questions and are trained to provide victim support every step of the way. 

Even online there are people to talk to, people for this specifically.

“It does happen, and there is help available,” Titsworth said.