Supporting all Bulldogs builds school morale
Principal Scott Dewar leads the fans in Big Dogs, Little Dogs.
November 12, 2021
Imagine playing the biggest game of your life in a sport you have played since you were a child. The score is tied, the competition is fierce and it all comes down to this moment. Gathering your thoughts, you look over to the stands. You see your best friends painted purple and screaming your name. You look further into the crowd and see some students you know from class and even a few of your teachers. Then you take a deep breath and refocus. This is your moment.
Now re-imagine this same scenario. But this time, there is no crowd, there is no roaring, there’s no one there to support and cheer you on in this really important moment. For some high school sports, particularly girls’ sports, this sort of situation happens all the time.
You might think that having a packed out section for fans at a high school sporting event isn’t important. But that simply is not true. In fact, according to Sports Illustrated for Kids writer Yoni Monatmay, “High school sports can go a long way in boosting the collective morale of the school’s students.” So having great fans is not only great for the athletes, it is great for the students of the school as well. It helps us all grow together and work as a group for a common goal– supporting each other.
I think the Dog Pound should be there to support all of our sporting events, both boys and girls. I’ve learned through my experience, especially being a big part of the Dog Pound at volleyball games, how important having a student section really is for all athletes. Monatmay goes on to say that, “a cheering high school gym uplifts a player’s spirits far more than a professional’s when he sees a sold-out arena.” I think there is a lot of truth in this.
It has to be hard for athletes in some sports to see the loud and huge crowds at varsity football and varsity boys basketball games and then compete in a quiet and nearly empty gym for their own sports. I have personally felt this sting before as a theatre participant. One of the best parts of being in a show is getting to see all your friends, family and support after the curtain closes. Don’t get me wrong, the theatre following is great, and we have awesome fans. But there are times I have wondered, where are all the students? Where are all the athletes that I yell and scream for on weekend games? Why aren’t they all here to support us?
I love to go all out for the Dog Pound. Our student section seriously has no competition from any school we have ever faced. But, sometimes I wonder what it would be like if we supported more sports and events. How awesome would it be for the Dog Pound to show up and support the HHS Golf team next year? I mean, just show up and make those team members smile Happy Gilmore Style. Or maybe it’s gathering up some friends and watching a bowling match. Or making posters to support the speech team. Either way, I think we can do more. I think we can do better.