Insulation sensation
Students test projects in lab
November 8, 2021
Science teacher Jeanna Herring’s fourth-hour physical science class met in the lab on Oct. 25 with their DIY insulators. Students had been studying thermal energy.
“The purpose of conducting the lab as an inquiry is for the students to enhance their research, critical thinking skills, and to build something based on the knowledge they have gained” claimed Herring excitedly about their lab.
These projects had to be made with objects students could find at their homes while meeting the 8 square inch qualifications.
The students used a hot pad that was set to 662 degrees fahrenheit to heat their cans filled with water. They then placed the can into their insulator and waited the agonizing time of 20 minutes to see who had won the contest.
“ I was anxious and excited to see if my insulator had beaten the other kids in my class,” said Behnke.
When the time was up, they placed a thermometer into the can to see how much the temperature had dropped.
Freshmen Laura Behnke, Dathan Case, and Hallie Boggess managed to make the top insulators. The water was roughly 170 degrees fahrenheit.
“ It took me about two hours to build my insulator, I made it out of tape and styrofoam. The time it took to make it was definitely worth the 15 bonus points towards my grade,” stated Behnke.
Behnke and Boggess chose extra credit as their prize Dathan Case chose a Fortnite gift card for
their efforts.