Art classes finish busy week

Kelee Mills

Members of the HHS Chalk Art competition pose for a team photo.

Kelee Mills, Staff Writer

The art classes had an interesting week last week. Art teacher Emily Wallace’s art students went to Glen O. Jones Lake to get a sketch for their next project. 

“The students made sketches at Glen O. Jones Lake to inspire their next project,” Wallace said. “They will be creating multimedia paintings or drawings, and have options to work directly from one sketch, combine several of their sketches into one composition, or add some unconventional elements to their piece.” 

There is a lot to get out of the landscape project.

“I hoped to get a better understanding of what to draw,” senior Allison Dennison said. 

As the teacher, there’s hope for the students to learn more about the different perspectives of drawing. 

“On the landscape field trip, I was hoping for them to gain the experience of sketching from real life instead of from a photo. It is really interesting how your perspective has to shift and your brain has to work differently to transfer what you see around you into a 2-D sketch,” Wallace said. 

A lot of the students are excited to start their landscape project. 

“I am excited to do the next project, because I’ll get to be a bit more creative with it,” Dennison said. 

The students also competed in the annual chalk art contest Oct. 27. Students from Harrisburg, Anna-Jonesboro, Carmi-White, Carrier Mills, Eldorado, Galatia, Goreville, Marion, Pope County, and Vienna competed in the contest. 

“I wanted the students who participated to have the exciting experience of putting their work to the test in a friendly competition, and to be able to support each other as artists,” Wallace said.  “Because so many teams participate, new ideas that one artist couldn’t have done on their own are brought to light, and students are able to learn and support each other within their team as well as across other teams and even schools.” 

According to Wallace, there were a lot of great art pieces drawn at the contest. Everyone had their own little space where they could draw their artwork. 

“I was happy with my team on our drawing. Our drawing was (from) Hocus Pocus,” senior Lylli Victoria said. “My favorite piece of work was the beta fish.” 

At the competition, first place went to Carmi-White (beta fish), second place went to Anna-Jonesboro (face and hands), and third place went to Pope County (ghost with guitar). 

First runner-up went to Marion (luna moth with girl), second runner-up went to Harrisburg (Coraline). 

Teacher’s choice went to Marion (blonde girl/ star gaze). First runner-up in teachers choice went to Anna-Jonesboro (M.C. Escher), second runner-up went to Marion (girl in red). 

Young artist choice went to Eldorado (ghoul bus). 

The annual chalk contest will be hosted again next year at the middle school.

“We will be hosting the competition again next year, and I am looking forward to seeing what new teams and ideas are brought in next time around. It feels like it gets better each year,” Wallace said.